
Showing posts from July, 2020

Week 57

Hey Friends!!! This week was a busy one! We are now in a trio and this is my 5th trio on the mission so far. Trios in quarantine are honestly super nice! So Elder Christensen is now with us and he is from Canada as well so it's me and two Canadians!!! We found our first person on Facebook this week and he is super cool!! His wife is actually a member and wants to start coming back to church. We are hoping to continue teaching him and helping him learn more about the church!!!  This week there was like 2 more fires here in Nevada its crazy seeing all these fires, Illinois was way to green for the amount of fire happening here.  One last thing, we have also been doing service which has been amazing!! We are able to go outside for 2 hours which has been nice doing yard work for elderly people!! We also got to see Gavin and he is such a stud!!  Love you All!!!! Gavin and the Bois The Reno North District

Week 56

Hey Everyone!! This week was quite interesting, we finally got facebook!!!!  So the past 3 days we have been cleaning up our accounts so that they're up to date and everything about them shows that we are a representative of Christ. This week we will finally be able to post things and begin to try and share a message through social media which will be fun!! The work is still going forward in quarantine. We have a lot of people progressing. It's so cool to see people actually begin to read from the Book of Mormon and receive and answer to their questions about it being true.  For the next 8 weeks we will have 4 transfers which is going to be insane! Over 70 missionaries will be coming to this mission because they were originally called to serve in foreign missions but they can't get a visa so it'll be crazy!!! Not much new is really happening over here in Reno. This morning we woke up and just smelt straight smoke so I guess California must be burning lik

Week 55

Hey Everyone! Hope your week was great! Not much new really going on here in Reno Nevada. It's starting to get pretty hot but hey we are inside most days so guess that's not to big of a deal lol. A miracle this week is we got to teach Matthew's dad! Matthew is the kid we baptized last month and it was super awesome to be able to teach his father this past week. What made it even more cool is I got to go on an exchange with my last companion Elder Marsh! We were able to teach together over technology which was sweet!  Nothing else is really going on we get Facebook this week which will bring so many more teaching opportunities. I'm pumped for it!!  Hope everyone is doing great!!!  Love,  Elder Patterson 

Week 54

HEY EVERYONE!!! I hope you all had a super good 4th of July! Not many fireworks went off here in Nevada because if one little thing catches on fire the whole state will burn down. We got to meet our new mission President in person. He is super cool he is from Colorado Springs and he has a fire for missionary work. He has allowed us to meet up with our districts on the 4th to play some games together and have a BBQ which was super cool!  We have been teaching this lady who is on date for the 25th and she is super awesome! We are hoping she will be fully prepared and ready by then!!  We also celebrated Canada day which was basically celebrating an extra 4th of July!! Also we are getting Facebook in the near future so we can start finding through social media which will be super cool!!!  Hope everyone is doing well! Hope to hear from y'all!!  Elder Patterson President and Sister Dunn Burning of the shirt to mark 1 year in the mission Canada D