Week 54


I hope you all had a super good 4th of July! Not many fireworks went off here in Nevada because if one little thing catches on fire the whole state will burn down.

We got to meet our new mission President in person. He is super cool he is from Colorado Springs and he has a fire for missionary work. He has allowed us to meet up with our districts on the 4th to play some games together and have a BBQ which was super cool! 

We have been teaching this lady who is on date for the 25th and she is super awesome! We are hoping she will be fully prepared and ready by then!! 

We also celebrated Canada day which was basically celebrating an extra 4th of July!! Also we are getting Facebook in the near future so we can start finding through social media which will be super cool!!! 

Hope everyone is doing well! Hope to hear from y'all!! 

Elder Patterson

President and Sister Dunn

Burning of the shirt to mark 1 year in the mission

Canada Day


North Valley District


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