
Showing posts from September, 2020

Week 66

  Hey Everyone!! This week has been full of lots of service!! We got to go to the church ranch out by Garrison Utah and it was pretty fun being out there. We helped take down a barbed wire fence and watched them give a cow a shot in the eye because it had an infection so that was pretty cool. We also laid gravel in this ladies backyard and man was it a work out!!! It took about two hours and my body was so done afterwards hahahah. We are still able to have a few lessons out here in McGill, we have started teaching a few less actives and we also started teaching 2 more nonmembers which was pretty sweet!! It has been a grind everyday to get some lessons set up but the hard work will definitely pay off!! My trickshot golf video got posted so if you haven't watched it already Y'all for sure should go check it out @ComeuntoChrist in Reno.  Not much new is really going out here in McGill, in about 2 weeks we will have a baptism and zone conference in person which will be super sweet!

Week 65

  Hey Everyone!! Man this week was full of so many blessings!! A girl I used to teach in Elko about 6 months ago moved here to McGill and still wants to be baptized!! So we are going to work with her and try and get that all figured out which is soooo sweet!!! Another girl who has been meeting with Missionaries for a while is now living back in McGill as well! We put her on baptismal date for October 10th!! Which is super awesome! In McGill/Ely a lot of our service consists of ranching so I guess I'll have to go buy myself some cowboy boots and a cowboy hat hahahah. I miss downtown Reno for sure but I am so happy to be around some amazing families here on the east side of Nevada.  I love you all have a great week!!! Elder Patterson The basement The Boys The boys part two Leaving my trainee Last day of the quadship

Week 64

  Hey Everyone this week was crazy! Sorry I've been so busy lately and haven't been able to email many or write my weekly last week. I'm getting transferred!! So no more downtown Reno for me, instead I'll be going back to Ely!! It's going to be interesting because I've met so many amazing people here in Reno it'll be hard to say goodbye. I am excited however to go to Ely again, there's some awesome people out there that'll be nice to see again!! Right now we are still doing service every single day so it's been nice to get some sun! Now I'll be doing service on a ranch in ely so that's going to be interesting hahahah.   Sorry for the short email!! Love you guys! Elder Patterson Tay and Elder Bean Before and after pics of the service they did for a lady.  Before and after pics of the service they did for a lady.  Before and after pics of the service they did for a lady.  Before and after pics of the service they did for a lady.  Before and

Week 63

Its Robyn! I’m sending this for Elder Patterson. He has been super busy this week with tons of service. He had a few run ins with some drunk homeless individuals but nothing major. Here are pics of the service at one home, his district picture and some Reno fun pics.  He misses and loves you all!!