Week 72

 Hey Everyone!!!

Sorry for slacking on the emails but I hope you all are doing well!

This week was pretty fun. We got to go to Elko for a zone conference which was pretty chill, it's always fun to go road tripping. The Zone Conference was pretty sweet. We talked a lot about having short and powerful lessons when we talk with people. It has been pretty neat trying to have short lessons, but it's been cool to see people's attention span not dropping from the beginning to the end of the message. 

A pretty cool thing happened this week, we were sitting down to have dinner at our house when we got a random phone call. We answered it and the lady on the other side of the phone was saying how she needs something new and uplifting in her life. We shared a quick little lesson on how Jesus Christ is there to help us through our trials, we shared that because she has been going through a really hard time. We have already had two lessons with her and she is super prepared. She wants to truly change her life and said she will be coming to church this next Sunday which is awesome!!!

Last night we got about a foot of snow and man it was pretty cool to finally get some precipitation around here hahaha. I had to drive in it and I could only see about 20 feet in front of me but it was a fun ride!!!

I hope you guys are all doing well love and miss you all!!!

Elder Patterson

The boys

The Snow

Elder Willet

Sick mountains

Elder Marsh


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