Week 11

Hey Y'all,

I hope everyone has been doing good! This week was pretty cool. It was my first week with my new companion! He is so much bigger then me, he is twice my height and weight I feel so small when walking next to me hahahah. 

This week though I have been taking the advice of my Mission President and this Elder I met in Sun Valley and I have taken the opportunity to contact everyone I see on the streets. There was a group of 10 people just hanging out and I said to myself "well what do I have to lose" So I walked up to them with my companion and I just asked if they knew of anyone or if them themselves were interested at all in hearing a message about Jesus Christ. I mean none of them were interested, but they were super nice and I am not going to lie I was worried that the conversation would go one way or another with them and luckily it went well hahahah. But we have been getting the highest number of contacts in the Ely 2nd Ward and Lund Ward that they have seen in a long time. We found two new people to start teaching, not too sure how interested they are but I am looking forward to progressing our teaching pool bigger and bigger. 

My spiritual message this week is from the Young Single Adult Face to Face that was yesterday. Elder Soares and Elder Christensen were the ones answering the questions that were submitted and when they closed the meeting Elder Soares said "If you don't end up remembering anything we said today just remember this one thing: God loves YOU" And I really like how he closed with that because no matter what we are struggling with or what we are doing in life, whether it is confusion, sin, answers to questions or anything in general we have to always remember that Heavenly Father LOVES us with a perfect love. I know that to be true we are all going to struggle in life with something, but our Father in Heaven is there and He has not forsaken us. 
I love you all!!!

Let me know how y'all are doing

Elder Patterson


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