Week 13

Hey everyone!

Another week goes by in the mission field and Ely Nevada is getting pretty dang cold! Yesterday it snowed like what..... I am pretty sure it's like high 90's in O'Fallon right now, I miss the warmth. Other than freezing rain and snow I am loving Ely right now. I have only been here for 2 transfers and I can get through this town so easily, then again that's probably because it's so small. 

We had stake conference this week and the speakers were super good. They had 3 youth speak and then the Cedar City Temple President and the 1st Counselor in the Nevada Reno mission also spoke. 

We had some mishaps in our truck this week. Elder Carl went like 80mph on a dirt road and didn't see a little hill coming up so the truck caught air. Like 3 minutes afterwards I heard a weird noise and lo and behold we had a flat tire. So I had to lay in the dirt and change the tire it was an interesting experience. 

We also had the opportunity to view a members basement where he had over 10,000 rounds of ammunition and 60+ guns it was super sweet. He gave me a few bullets which was cool. They also cooked some banana pudding for us since we said that's one of our favorite desserts after we did a few hours of service fixing their fence.  

My spiritual thought this week is from Alma 26:11-12, its Ammon explaining about what happens when we are truly honest with ourselves, "I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom, but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God. Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things" I really like these verses because it overcomes pride in ourselves and it shows we can only do all things through our Father in Heaven whom will strengthen us if we are willing to be humble and accept his help. 

I love you all and hope you're all doing well!! 

Elder Patterson

The finish product of the tire change!

Working in the dirt like a beast
Ely Sunset

Snow in September 

The bullets I received
                                      Zone Conference in Reno last week with Elder Ballard

                                                  The random things you see around Ely
                                                               We eat a lot of pizza


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