Week 16

Hey everyone,

This week was crazy busy! So much happened in such little time. On Tuesday I had to say bye to such an awesome missionary, Elder Monks. He completed his 2 year mission and man he left a good impact on me. Also on Tuesday I had to say bye to the Walker family who made Ely feel like home they are super awesome! I will definitely miss them. Wednesday we drove to Elko for transfers with the other Elders from Ely. Halfway there we got a phone call from our driving coordinator and he told my companion he had to let me drive since he went over 90 mph and that's the one main thing you can't do or your lose your driving privileges. So I had to drive on a gravel road in the mountains it was a fun experience. Then when we got to Elko we did transfers and I got my new companion Elder Kulikowski he is super nice, he has been out for 6 weeks and I already know he will make a great missionary. Since I'm senior companion I get to drive everywhere and it is AWESOME lol.

We had Stake conference here in Elko where bishop Waddell and Elder McKay gave talks. They were super good. Elder McKay is a member of the 70 and he reminds me so much of Elder Holland. It was a powerful talk he gave. I was spiritually nourished this weekend. 

My spiritual though is from Elder McKay. He said the 4 main reasons people fall away from the church is because they get offended, fall into just doing the motions, have some serious personal transgression that their pride won't let them repent of, and lastly doubt. He said these 4 things are so hard but we have to stop letting others and ourselves get in the way of our relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He is so right we have to have our first love be our Father in Heaven and then worry about everything else after that.

I love you all! I'd love to hear from you guys, let me know how everyone is doing!

The drive to Elko

Good ole selfie in Ely

The amazing Walker family (minus 3 kids)

A spider we caught

Apartment in Ely

Apartment in Ely

Apartment in Ely

Apartment in Ely

Apartment in Ely

Apartment in Ely

Apartment in Ely

The Paez family who we were teaching in Ely


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