Week 18

Hey Everyone!!!

This week honestly flew by! We had so many things going on. We had zone conference on Friday and it was super good. We talked about a talk from Neil L. Andersen that he gave at  a 2016 mission president seminar. It is called "The Faith to Find and Baptize Converts" and it was really good. I got to see my last companion Elder Carl and that was fun. We got to say our zone stats for the month of October and they were AMAZING. Our zone found 112 new people, we are teaching 73, we have 14 out of 15 of the recent converts attending church and we have 15 people on date for baptism!!!! Our zone is on fire.

My companion and I, through the spirit, helped another person get a date for a baptism this month. So we have a total of 4 scheduled!! 3 next week and one the week after. I am super pumped, most of the people we are teaching are progressing and it's pretty cool. 

For Halloween from 6-9pm we had to stay inside so we were able to plan out our week and then our mission president came over and inspected our apartment and he said it is the cleanest he has been to! 

This week was full of small miracles seeing all the people we taught this week progress was awesome. We had 6 non-members attend church and that was really cool.

Spiritual message: I want to draw attention to some words given by President Boyd K. Packer, from a talk called "Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness" he says, "an ordinary soul- struggling against temptation, failing and repenting, and failing again and repenting, but always determined to keep his covenants can still expect to one day hear, Well done thou good and faithful servant" we have the opportunity to continue to progress and repent so one day we can hear these treasures words. Use the atonement that has been given to us all and repent daily through our Savior.

Love you all!!

If you want to send letters here is my address for the next couple weeks:
P.o. box #249 Elko, NV 89803 


Doing some service for an older man in the ward

A painting we get to paint next week


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