Week 21

Hey Everyone!!

This week was full of so many miracles!!! First off I am getting transferred to go to the Elko 3rd Ward to be a District leader.

So this week we went on exchanges with the zone leaders and I went with Elder Araujo from Brazil. We went to this town called Carlin. While we were there we found 2 families!!! One family has a daughter who lives in Ely who was baptized in September, and the others have been looking for missionaries and want to be baptized, it was so cool. 

Then in the Elko 5th Ward we got 2 people on date to be baptized December 7th. They were on date for November but had an emergency so they couldn't make it in November. Then we met a family who wants their granddaughters to be baptized. They are 11 and will get baptized in January. Then we got another 11 year old who has read the Book of Mormon already and has restarted, he is on date for January. His mother is less active and dad isn't a member, but he comes every week he is so awesome. We had 6 non-members come to church on Sunday and we are going to put one of them on date for baptism tonight.

My spiritual message comes from Brad Wilcox. In one of the books he wrote, he talks about a marble and its beauty he then relates it to us. He says "The marble is useful and beautiful because of the dark veins, not in spite of them. When we repent, our sins are gone, but the memories linger. Just like these dark lines. However, as we keep our covenants and experience the sanctifying influence of the Spirit, it as if those dark lines are polished over time. They actually become part of our beauty" 

Love all of you! Hope everyone is doing well!

Service for someone that got baptized on Saturday 

All the missionaries in Elko

Our zone

The Reese Family


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