Week 22

Hey Everyone!!

Walking in the cold every day has been a challenge but it has definitely been worth it! We found 7 new people in the past 5 days to begin teaching and it has been such a blessing. We have about 4 to 5 lessons a day and man it's a lot of work, but it is totally worth it.

The East family from my last area are getting baptized December 7th and it's super awesome. Then we have a baptism here in my new area on December 7th also. We also put someone on date for the 14th of December it's super exciting! 

My new companion is super cool he is from Quincy IL. We are the only missionaries from Illinois and we are serving together it is pretty cool.

This week we also had a lesson scheduled to teach 2 people at this Western Inn and people kept walking by and sitting in on the lesson which was amazing. We are now teaching 7 of them it was super awesome!!!

My spiritual message is Ether 12:6 we used this scripture a lot this week so I will just send it in here also. "And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith" even if we can't see God He is there and He is listening to you. Strive to always be faithful!!

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!! Miss everyone!
-Elder Patterson 

1. Mucho Snow
2. A Deer Leg
3. Half and Elk 
4. My companion and I chilling

Mucho Snow

My companion and I chilling

Half and Elk

Mucho Snow

Mucho Snow

Mucho Snow

Mucho Snow

A deer leg


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