Week 23

Hey Everyone,

What an amazing week this past week has been!! Elder Stillwell and I have been working really hard to make this area blow up with missionary work. We bike like 8 miles a day so our legs are getting swole, but that's beyond the point lol. 

We found 11 new people this week to teach and man has Heavenly Father been blessing us with our work. We have taught 28 people this week and it is so fun. I also had the opportunity to see the kids of the family we were teaching in my last area get baptized and the spirit was so strong!!! 

Then we had a lady who we were teaching here in the Elko 3rd ward get baptized. I got to confirm her by the laying on of hands on Sunday I was a little nervous but the spirit was very strong especially when I said the words "Receive The Holy Ghost" 

We also had zone conference which was fun we got to wear ugly Christmas sweaters and watch the other side of heaven 2 it was so fun. 

My spiritual message is about the Holy Ghost. If it wasn't for being worthy to have it I wouldn't be able to teach with the spirit. The Holy Ghost is our teacher and he is our comforter. We need to all strive to have the Holy Ghost with us because that is how we learn and that is how we grow closer to our Savior.

I hope everyone has a great week love y'all
-Elder Patterson

The Elko south district

The movie we got to watch

The lady we got to confirm and baptize

The East kids

My companion and I in our ugly Christmas sweaters


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