Week 24

Hey Everyone!

This week was definitely an interesting one!! We found 8 new people to teach and we have found 25 this transfer, it is super awesome!! We put someone on date for baptism for January 4th and hoping they stay faithful and progress!!!

This week was a tough one on the body for sure!! I got in a nice bike accident. We were biking down a steep hill and I hit a puddle that was deeper then I thought and lost control going on the sidewalk and flew off my bike hitting my head into a thick metal pole. Don't worry the pole is A okay. Thankfully I had a helmet and the doctor showed everyone at the hospital my helmet lol.  We went to the emergency room to get a CT scan of my neck and luckily it is good, just sprained. I know I am truly on the Lords errand because I should've walked away with something broke, but thankfully it was just a sprained neck so it's all good.

Spiritual message "But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage."-Mosiah 7:33

Having trust in the Lord and Serving Him with all our heart, places us in a position to receive his amazing blessings to deliver us in His time. 

My nice neck brace

Inside my broken helmet

The pole indentation

Chilling at a Christmas party
Service at Walmart


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