Week 30

Hey Friends!!

Well this week was probably one of the hardest weeks of my mission. I have been stuck inside since last Monday. I guess this hand, foot, and mouth disease is super contagious so they didn't want me getting people sick. The symptoms are finally starting to go away thank goodness because I am tired of laying around inside having nothing to do.

We did however have a pretty cool miracle this week though. A 16 year old texted us out of no where and said how she has been having friends meet with missionaries and she wants to meet with us also. She said how she is super excited and wants to join the church so that is pretty cool!!

So funny story that I never added in my emails. A couple of weeks ago we were teaching a family and then out of no where 4 cop cars pulled up. They told us to leave and we just awkwardly walked outside. It was hilarious but weird, so we haven't been back there since.

I hope everyone is doing great!! My spiritual message is from Elder Neal A. Maxwell he said "Consecration is the only surrender which is also a victory"

I have a great week!! Love you all

-Elder Patterson 

My companion and I

Ruby Mountains


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