Week 32

Hey friends!!

This week was pretty fun, it was just a normal week but it flew by!! 

Funny story we were at this motel and someone was like stupid drunk. He went to sit down in the lobby area and slammed his head against the wall and put a hole in the wall. Then he started cussing this dude out and the dude he was cussing out got so mad and drug him out of the lobby and just stood on top of him until the cops came. It was super sad but it was definitely interesting.

We also are teaching this 12 year old Amy and it is going super well! She is awesome and keeps commitments, we are hoping to schedule a baptismal date this week!!!

We have been tracting so much this week in areas we aren't teaching people. And we have seen so many miracles coming from it!!

We also got this referral from Hawaii's visitor center because someone contacted them for missionaries to come teach the husband of the family!! So we are looking forward to that.

My spiritual message is from the Bible Matthew 5:48 it states:
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
I love this scripture because obviously we will never be perfect here in this life but we can strive to do so, by living th commandments to our best ability. And when we fall short Christ will make up the rest for us. 

I hope everyone has a happy valentine's day and enjoys their week. Let me know how y'all are doing, and how Valentine's day goes :)

Elder Patterson 


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