Week 36

 Hey everyone!!

This week was really good I have definitely felt the prayers from back home! 

We had 3 nonmembers at church which was awesome. 2 of them got emotional because of the talk that was given during sacrament meeting. The person who gave the talk was a missionary who just got home and he reflected on some stories from his mission and they were powerful.

We tracted an entire trailer park and ran into a drug lords house. We kept seeing people who were tweaking knock on the door of the trailer and then do a light jog away from the trailer after the door opened. Hahahah it was super funny then we knocked the door and they were not interested lol.

This week we also brought as many members as possible to lessons and they were soooo good. Missionary work with members is the best work because the people we teach feel the spirit and the connection with others so much stronger. Members make a difference!

I have been really focused on working hard and forgetting everything this week and it flew by. I love my mission the people here are interesting in Elko but some are super awesome!

I love you all!!!


P.S. Just so you know transfers falls on my birthday so to the people that planned on already sending stuff try to send it before march 28th or after April 6th:)

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