Week 40

Hey Everyone!!!

This week was super crazy! I left the East side of the mission and I am finally in Reno!! Transfers happened like 4 days early because of the virus. So Saturday we drove ALL day to pick up elders and drop them off and then to finally drop me off. 

I am serving in the Lemmon Valley ward, it is just on the outskirts of the city. We have a huge area so we have a car but sadly this transfer we will probably be inside the whole time, but that is okay because the work still presses on!

I know this quarantine has been hard for so many missionaries but I am so blessed to still be on a mission because I know of a lot of missionaries who got sent home for health reasons and it really reminded me of how much I love my mission. I had a bad attitude about the quarantine at first but I know our Father in Heaven will lead us and guide us through this transfer to still get His work accomplished. I am pumped!!

I have a new companion his name is Elder Marsh he is originally from American Fork Utah, and he served some of his mission in the Tallahassee, Florida mission but it closed so then he came here!! Instead of helping missionaries in a district I am now helping missionaries in a zone it's super nerve racking being a zone leader but I have already felt so much love for these missionaries! The Reno North Zone is on fire with missionary work so I am very happy to be here.

Something I read this week that I really liked was from 
Isaiah 41:10 it says: "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness"

I know God will be with us during these hard times and he will strengthen us to be able to endure through this!!

Love you all!!! 

My new address is:
580 Reactor way suite 3 Reno, NV 89502

Brazilian Barbecue with my companions

Deer at our apartment complex

Elder Stillwell


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