Week 42

Hey Friends!!

I just wanted to start off by saying Happy Easter! I hope you all had a good time remembering the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was super cool to share the meaning of Easter with people this week and have them realize and remember what our Savior did for us :)

The trio life is going good! We got to do an exchange via technology with a few companionships in our zone. I taught a lesson with Elder Stillwell and it was such a good lesson. I bore my testimony on eternal families and the truthfulness of this Church and man I definitely felt the spirit and I knew they felt it also! They are an elect family and it was super cool to teach with Elder Stillwell again.

We are teaching this family called the Webbs here in Lemmon Valley. They are super cool! We put 2 of the 3 boys we are teaching on date for baptism on May 9th! We are praying that the oldest, Gavin, will gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon and also join them, he is sooo close. Their family is super cool!! 

The quarantine life is definitely not fun at all but it is manageable. Like 50 missionaries have left this mission because of it and it's sad to see them go. Luckily I am in a trio and we have a good time together so we don't go insane.

For easter we made some eggs and hiked a mountain it was pretty fun and it was a great day to remember Jesus Christ. 

Love you all and keep staying safe!!!

-Elder Patterson 


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