Week 49

Hey Everyone !!

This week was another really busy week! Elder Marsh and I have been working hard trying to find new people through technology and we have definitely been seeing the blessings from doing so!! We found a few more people to teach and by doing so we found this guy named Phil who is really interested in learning more!

Judy, a lady we are teaching is progressing so much! She has been reading and wants to follow Christ more in her life which is awesome!

Then there is Matthew, he is a teenager we are teaching and he should be getting baptized this weekend! His family is super cool as well! We are so excited for them all!!

We are teaching this guy named Thomas, he is such a chill and nice guy. His family is so down to earth it reminds me a lot of my family. We are teaching him and it has been a fun experience trying to help him strengthen his faith in Christ.

Saturday night we got a call saying we have to stay inside for Sunday all day because the riots since we are a quarter mile away from downtown so that was definitely interesting! The world is for sure changing.

My spiritual message is from Elder Neil L. Andersen he says, "No injustice, no persecution, no trial, no wound, however deep, will be excluded from the comfort, peace, lasting hope of Him whose open arms and whose wounded hands will welcome us back into his presence"

Our Saviors sacrifice was infinite and he will always be waiting for us to Come Unto Him.

Also my family is moving back to Oklahoma so I guess that's cool lol

I hope everyone is staying safe and I love and miss you all!!!


Catching frogs with Elder March

Reno, Nevada Temple

Elder Lynn

No A/C


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