Week 77

 Hey Everyone,

I hope you guys had a good week, we are finally out of quarantine. So I guess till next time lol, just kidding. 

This week Gavin got baptized which was amazing!! I was sad I couldn't go in person but technology is amazing and thanks to zoom I was still able to watch it. It was such a cool experience to see Gavin get baptized. He is going to bless so many lives and the reason I know that is because he has for sure blessed mine.

Also we asked this guy to be baptized and he said he is going to pray about baptism. I am super pumped for him it has been sweet to teach him!!

Not much else is really going on we had a mission leadership conference and at the conference we talked about how Facebook has been going super well in the mission. A lot of people have been coming to our pages and messaging us which is awesome!!!

I hope you guys are doing well, miss and love you all!!!

Elder Patterson

This painting I finally completed

A painting by my companions mom

Something my companions mom got us


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