Week 85

Yo what is up everyone!!!

This week was busy, busy, busy! We can finally knock doors for old addresses we have of members and nonmembers. It was so nice to finally walk around and talk with people in person and meet more members of the ward.

This week my companion and I have been working a lot with part member families. We found 7 new people to teach which was AWESOME. The work is rolling along here which is super sweet, I love staying busy. I hope these new people we teach progress and see the gospel bless their life. 

Its crazy to see how much COVID-19 has affected people. Now that I am back in the city I see how much this pandemic has played a role in many people's lives. With job losses, mental instability and just sadness in general. It's amazing to know though that as we hold tight to the plain and precious truths of the Gospel we truly recognize God's hand in our life. 

My new address is 580 Reactor Way suite 3 Reno Nevada! 

Sorry I didn't take any pictures this week I'll get some for next week though!! 

Have a good week!!! 

Elder Patterson


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