Week 88

 Hey Everyone!!!

Long time no email, that's my bad!! But another transfer has gone by here, and I'm staying in Reno. I'll be getting a new companion on Wednesday named Elder Lowry and it'll be exciting to see what the future holds.

I can't believe 20 months ago I was heading to the mission field. Only 4 more months and I'm absolutely excited to grind these last few months. We are teaching a few people here in Reno and it has been really fun!! We teach a lot of lessons but the hardest problem we are running into is people not wanting to progress yet. So hopefully this next week or two we can see some serious progression in the people that we are teaching!!!

This gospel is pretty sweet, if you ever want to hear a message from me about what I believe in or just want to learn more about Christ shoot me an email or hit me up on facebook. Also if you are wondering what you can do to help missionaries out just hit them up and go to lessons with them, it's the best!!!

Elder Patterson

Also here's some photos!!!

The Temple

Defy trampoline park

Reno Zone

My dawg Elder Christensen

My dawg Elder Christensen pt. 2

My boy Elder Welch


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