Week 90

 Hey Everyone!!!

I just wanted to write an email this week saying how amazing missionary work is!!! We had an amazing week here in Reno, we ended up finding 9 new peoples to teach which is awesome! Our ward only has two 16 year old boys and the rest are 15 and younger, but this week we actually started teaching a 16 and a 17 year old which was really cool! Hopefully we can help the youth in the ward grow.

We also found a new guy to teach, he is a beast! We were messaging people on Facebook and he said he'd love to talk about some cool places to visit here in Reno and invited us to his place to talk about it. We ended up teaching the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the spirit was SO strong. He wanted to buy the Book ofMormon from us which was pretty sweet, and he was really happy when we gave it to him for free. He asked us if we wanted to go get a bite to eat so we went to Wing Stop which was another plus. He actually ended up coming to church on Sunday as well and we just started teaching him Saturday so it was so cool to see all of this take place!!!

We had so many lessons this past week which made the week honestly fly by! At the beginning of the week I was struggling at recognizing spiritual promptings, but I had this solid study with another Elder about how we recognize promptings differently. And I focused on how I recognize the spirit and it was just amazing to see the spirit guide and direct all that we did this past week.

This work is truly a great work, and I know if it wasn't for our Savior Jesus Christ nothing would be made possible. I hope you all are doing well and I hope everyone has a great St. Patty's day!!

Elder Patterson


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