Week 100


Time has literally flown by these past 2 years, and I can't believe that I'm beginning my last transfer. However, they're sending me to a new area in Reno. It's in a different stake so I guess that's cool, but I'm truly going to miss the Riverbend ward. 

This week was a solid week, we watched a multi-stake conference where bishop Waddell spoke and our friend Lucas watched it with us. It was a solid meeting and it helped me really focus on the importance of prayer and how sometimes we get into a repetitive flow, and that we need to not do that and focus on how we can make each prayer meaningful. 

We also had Elder Soares come and visit our mission. On Saturday the entire mission combined and we got to sit at the feet of an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and it was such an amazing experience. Him and the other general authorities really focused on personal study and conversion. And it was so perfect, it was exactly what I needed to hear. I'm looking forward to making my studies most effective not only hear on the mission but definitely when I get home! 
He also talked about moving mountains but not physical, spiritual mountains of misery. It was so powerful to think having faith can truly help move the mountains of misery that we are faced within our lives, it's definitely so hopefully to know when we rely on Jesus Christ, everything will be okay. 

Thank you all for your constant support and love yall are amazing!!

Elder Patterson


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