Week 6

Hey everyone, 
Okay so this week was a lot like the last. It's still a culture shock being on a mission, but it's also another culture shock because Ely and Lund Nevada are the most rural towns I've been in. Lund is almost like the town my mom grew up in, but even smaller hahahah. I saw a marijuana farm and that was pretty interesting. 
This Friday though I went on exchanges with the zone leader. So an exchange is where we switch companionships for one day and I go to his area and his companion comes to our area. And that was super fun! We did 6 hours of service and man I sure love service because the look of the peoples face when your done is all you need. And during the day this lady who was radio silence for a month and a half finally decided to text my zone leader, Elder Monks back. So we went in without a lesson plan and I had a huge promoting to share a scripture and the scripture I shared was 2 Nephi 31:20 and it was the same exact scripture her stake president sent the day before. I bore my testimony to her about hope because it's such a hard thing, but a simple thing when we struggle. I finally felt the spirit that day and it was so relieving and good. The next Sunday she came to church. So that was a good experience.  
Today all six of us in the zone went on a hike early in the morning to one of the mountains and that was fun. We brought a cooler, climbed the mountain, and just sat there and relaxed. I know our Father in Heaven loves each of us and he is always there as much as we think he isn't. 
This mission is still hard, but it's a learning experience and I'm taking it a day at a time. Love you all and I hope you're all doing well!!! 
Here are some pictures from our hike and then a before and after pic of one of the lawns we mowed.  
Elder Patterson


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