
Showing posts from September, 2019

Week 13

Hey everyone! Another week goes by in the mission field and Ely Nevada is getting pretty dang cold! Yesterday it snowed like what..... I am pretty sure it's like high 90's in O'Fallon right now, I miss the warmth. Other than freezing rain and snow I am loving Ely right now. I have only been here for 2 transfers and I can get through this town so easily, then again that's probably because it's so small.  We had stake conference this week and the speakers were super good. They had 3 youth speak and then the Cedar City Temple President and the 1st Counselor in the Nevada Reno mission also spoke.  We had some mishaps in our truck this week. Elder Carl went like 80mph on a dirt road and didn't see a little hill coming up so the truck caught air. Like 3 minutes afterwards I heard a weird noise and lo and behold we had a flat tire. So I had to lay in the dirt and change the tire it was an interesting experience.  We also had the opportunity to view a

Week 12

Hey Everyone! So this week was a pretty fun. I killed another rattle snake, I grabbed a rock and threw it as hard as I could at it and well it died. It was basically like David and Goliath hahahah. We are continuing talking to everyone! Some man told me he hated me and I laughed and said "That's okay, would you like to hear a message about Jesus Christ?" and then he walked away. It was pretty funny though not going to lie.  Also this week the older lady that I have been teaching since I came to Ely, FINALLY came to church!!! I was so happy, I was scared extending the invitation at first but then I realized the worst that could happen is she says she doesn't want to, but then when she said she knows she needs to and came this Sunday, I got so excited. There is a lot of people who don't want to hear what we have to say but it is so cool when that one person actually does want to hear the message we have to share. And when we start teaching them it's supe

Week 11

Hey Y'all, I hope everyone has been doing good! This week was pretty cool. It was my first week with my new companion! He is so much bigger then me, he is twice my height and weight I feel so small when walking next to me hahahah.  This week though I have been taking the advice of my Mission President and this Elder I met in Sun Valley and I have taken the opportunity to contact everyone I see on the streets. There was a group of 10 people just hanging out and I said to myself "well what do I have to lose" So I walked up to them with my companion and I just asked if they knew of anyone or if them themselves were interested at all in hearing a message about Jesus Christ. I mean none of them were interested, but they were super nice and I am not going to lie I was worried that the conversation would go one way or another with them and luckily it went well hahahah. But we have been getting the highest number of contacts in the Ely 2nd Ward and Lund Ward that they ha

Week 10

Hey everyone! This week was super interesting! We had zone conference in Reno and that was really fun I had the opportunity to shake the acting President of the Quorum of the 12 apostles hand and that was super cool! We drove to Reno on Friday and that was a 5 hour car ride. It was a long car ride not being able to watch movies or listen to music like I'd listen to back home, but it wasn't to bad at all hahaha. We got there Friday night and met the two Elders we'd be staying with for the weekend. Elder Lister and Elder Pearson were the Elders. They are the Sun Valley zone leaders and they were super cool I enjoyed staying with them for 3 days and learning how they proselyte and teach people, it was a good experience. Saturday night we proselyted in the Sun Valley area and it was so sketchy, being in Ely Nevada you don't deal with many people because well the population is so dang small. But in Sun Valley I had the opportunity to be in the city and see crackhead