Week 19

Hey Everyone!!

This week went by super fast! Not too much happened but a lot happened at the same time. We had a lot of nonmember lessons, and we have 2 people on date for baptisms this Saturday. We initially had 3 but one of them has a lot of worries and mixed feelings so we are working on that.

We found 6 new people to teach and then also found a less active member that wants to start coming back to church so that is really awesome. 

On Sunday I had to give a 20 minute talk on who Christ is. I was pretty nervous but once I got up there all my nerves went away when I bore my testimony. I could see so many tears in peoples eyes and that made me feel good because I knew they were feeling the spirit. I had some tears in my eyes but the spirit was so strong so I just powered through them. 

My spiritual message comes from my talk that I gave. In my talk I referenced Bishop Waddell when he came to talk to the East side of the mission. He stated 18 words on why Christ is our savior. He said: "Here am I, send me, Not my will but thine be done, It is finished, He is Risen" These 18 words draw much significance from the premortal life to the resurrection of Christ and then to the complement of the atonement. Christ is truly our Savior without Him we wouldn't be able to satisfy the demands of justice.

I love you all and hope you're doing well!
Heres some pics from the week

 A solid pic on a rock next to a iced river

My companion and I after bagging 27 bags of leaves

 A painting that I got to paint

 A painting that I got to paint

Me and the painting 


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