Week 27

Hey Everyone!!!

Hope everyone had a safe and a Happy New Years Day!

We had transfers this week I am still the district leader in the same area and I am also going to be a trainer!! I find out who my new companion is tomorrow I am super excited to train again! 

We were out doing missionary work New Year's Eve and people were already drunk and partying at 2 pm, it was pretty funny. Then New Year's Day people were very hungover it was a good time lol.

We had 10 nonmembers at church this past week and it was so awesome!! We are hoping to put 3 of them on date for baptism this next week so that will be exciting!! We also got to go to a baptism on Friday for Selisha and her son Pax. They were so excited to get baptized, it was a very spiritual day.

I am loving the mission! Some days are hard because I do miss people, but the good days by far make up for the others!! I love the people we are teaching and the experiences I have on the mission.

My spiritual message is from the bible James 1:5, it reads "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" I love this scripture because when we ask God that is how we show Him our desire to learn and want to know truths, and it gives Him the opportunity to answer the questions we do have.

Love you all!!! 
-Elder Patterson 

The Boyd Family

Lighting a stuffed bear on fire

They Boyd Family

The end of the Trio


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