
Showing posts from April, 2020

Week 44

Hey Everyone!! I hope you all have been doing good and staying safe from this virus!! We were predicted to leave our apartment this Friday to finally go back out and do some missionary work outside, but that might not happen so I guess we will see what happens in the next few days. This week honestly flew by! Someone in our zone had a health problem so I got to drive them to the clinic and it was nice to finally get out and about. Because of the Coronavirus I was told to wait in the car while he went inside so it was super weird being out of sight and sound of my companion. We found 3 new people to teach and it was awesome because 2 of them have a deep desire to learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ!! We had a few good lessons over video call and phone call this week, and the spirit was powerful!!! It's always amazing to hear when we teach people the restoration and they say, "That makes sense!" Or "That's amazing" They have allowed us

Week 43

Hey Everyone! This week was good! Even though we are stuck inside, we are still finding and teaching people. We found someone this week and in our first lesson with him we put him on baptismal date! It was crazy! We also had another lesson with this guy named Jackie in the lesson he said how he hated God and then a week later you could tell something changed. We had a powerful lesson with him and he is progressing so much it was super cool!! We taught a kid this week and last week he seemed like he hated us but we decided to be super outgoing and make him laugh and then at the end he told his mom he wants to be baptized!!! So that was definitely a miracle :) Our Father in Heaven is aware of all of us and what we are going through. These miracles that we are seeing inside are truly because He loves all of us.  My spiritual message this week comes from the Bible because I have been reading it a lot lately! It is from the book of Matthew chapter 26 verse 39, it says &q

Week 42

Hey Friends!! I just wanted to start off by saying Happy Easter! I hope you all had a good time remembering the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was super cool to share the meaning of Easter with people this week and have them realize and remember what our Savior did for us :) The trio life is going good! We got to do an exchange via technology with a few companionships in our zone. I taught a lesson with Elder Stillwell and it was such a good lesson. I bore my testimony on eternal families and the truthfulness of this Church and man I definitely felt the spirit and I knew they felt it also! They are an elect family and it was super cool to teach with Elder Stillwell again. We are teaching this family called the Webbs here in Lemmon Valley. They are super cool! We put 2 of the 3 boys we are teaching on date for baptism on May 9th! We are praying that the oldest, Gavin, will gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon and also join them, he is sooo close. Their family is super co

Week 41

Hey everyone!!!  First I want to say thanks for all the Birthday wishes! This birthday was definitely a first for many things! 1. I am completely stuck inside for it.  2. It is my first birthday away from my family  3. IT SNOWED, I have never had snow on my birthday so that was definitely different!!! What a good week it was! We began the week taking Elder Low to the hotel so he can go home. He was a funny Elder we will definitely miss him. But right before we dropped him off we got a call from the assistants telling us some people in our zone are going home. So because some people went home, Elder Topham joined us and I am now in a trio for the transfer!! We worked hard this week and found 5 new people over technology, it was a miracle for sure! Like I said last week I am not taking a single day for granted anymore. There is so many missionaries that had to go home that wish they could serve. I know God has a special plan for them but I am serving with everything I