Week 43

Hey Everyone!

This week was good! Even though we are stuck inside, we are still finding and teaching people. We found someone this week and in our first lesson with him we put him on baptismal date! It was crazy!

We also had another lesson with this guy named Jackie in the lesson he said how he hated God and then a week later you could tell something changed. We had a powerful lesson with him and he is progressing so much it was super cool!!

We taught a kid this week and last week he seemed like he hated us but we decided to be super outgoing and make him laugh and then at the end he told his mom he wants to be baptized!!! So that was definitely a miracle :)

Our Father in Heaven is aware of all of us and what we are going through. These miracles that we are seeing inside are truly because He loves all of us. 

My spiritual message this week comes from the Bible because I have been reading it a lot lately! It is from the book of Matthew chapter 26 verse 39, it says "And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."

When Christ suffered in Gethsemane He felt everything we each individually will ever go through. He did our Father's will and not His own. It made me remember that what I want shouldn't matter, what matters is completely what the Lord wants. It is amazing to know that our Savior died for us so we can live again. He truly is our Redeemer!

I love you all and hope you're doing great!!


Elder Patterson 

Mountain Pictures

Mountain Pictures

Biker Gang

Exchange with Elder Barton

1. Exchange with Elder Barton
2. Biker gang
3&4. Mountain pictures 


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