Hey everyone!!

This week has been super awesome and busy!! We had a super good week teaching almost 30 lessons and just calling people every chance we got!!

Matthew got baptized this saturday!! Its amazing to see the joy he had that day! He chose to get baptized on his birthday and man was he excited! We didnt get to go watch the baptism in person but we did get to view through technology which was pretty cool. 

We also taught Judy this week and man she is so amazing. She wants to find the truth and wants to draw closer to Christ so it's been awesome trying to help her do that. She said she cant wait until the church opens back up here in Nevada so she can go!

We have a few others we are teaching that are progressing alot! The work is blowing up here in Downtown reno which is super fun!!
I am actually in another trio now my companion got transferred so i am the only zone leader here in reno now and it's crazy! I am actually companions with one of my old companions and these next two weeks will be sweet.

Last Monday we got to go on a hike and it was a super cool view! We hiked this little mountain called the Peavine. I ended up falling on the way down but hey some cuts and bruises never hurt anyone lol.

I hope you guys are doing amazing and I love an miss you all!!!

-Elder Patterson 

They made ties for President Godoy

Signing the farewell poster
Tays tumble down the mountain 



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