Week 52

Hey Everyone!!

This week honestly flew by! So many things were happening with lessons and just finding new people to teach. Not only that, but we also had transfer calls! 

I get my new companion Elder Schlese tomorrow which is super cool! And we will have a new companionship of elders added to our zone! Not many changes occurred with the missionaries who serve in the Northern Reno area but these next 6 weeks will be a blast!!

This week we put Patricia on baptismal date for July 11th!!! She has been reading and praying and said she truly feels this is Christ's church! We are super pumped for her!!!

Yesterday was Father's Day and I just want to say happy Father's day to the best example of a father that I could ever have! All the sacrifices and time he has put in for our family truly allowed me to become who I am today.

I truly hope everyone had a good week sorry for the short email but I love you alll!!!!


The District

Elder hobbs ankle after a game of ball


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