
Showing posts from November, 2020

Week 74

  Hey Everyone! I can't believe this is going to be my second Thanksgiving on the mission! Time is definitely flying by and it's kind of weird. This past week we drove to Reno to have an exchange with the assistants and man it was a long drive lol but it was good. While in Reno I got to see someone I used to teach when I was there, their family is awesome!! So it was cool to be able to share a message and catch up with them. We also had some really good lessons with this guy that we are teaching in McGill he is so close to taking a step to follow our Savior. He has been coming to church and committed to keep the Word of Wisdom which is sweet!!  Not much else is really going on the Nevada governor announced they're making more restrictions so hopefully that doesn't change what we can do as missionaries.  I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving love you all!!!!  Elder Patterson

Week 73

  Hey Everyone!  Man it feels like this week honestly flew by!! I can't believe Thanksgiving is already right around the corner!!! We were super busy this week we've been on the streets a lot more and man am I out of shape or what. Walking up and down the hills of the streets is killer that's for sure! We had a recent convert lesson the other day and she brought one of her friends to the lesson and her friend actually came to church this Sunday which was pretty sweet!!! We also started teaching this guy that the past missionaries have taught and it's been super cool. He has been praying about baptism and he came to church yesterday so we are hoping to put him on baptismal date soon!!! Not much else really happened this week. I talked to some interesting people and petted another goat so that was fun.  Hope y'all have a great week!!!!  Elder Patterson

Week 72

  Hey Everyone!!! Sorry for slacking on the emails but I hope you all are doing well! This week was pretty fun. We got to go to Elko for a zone conference which was pretty chill, it's always fun to go road tripping. The Zone Conference was pretty sweet. We talked a lot about having short and powerful lessons when we talk with people. It has been pretty neat trying to have short lessons, but it's been cool to see people's attention span not dropping from the beginning to the end of the message.  A pretty cool thing happened this week, we were sitting down to have dinner at our house when we got a random phone call. We answered it and the lady on the other side of the phone was saying how she needs something new and uplifting in her life. We shared a quick little lesson on how Jesus Christ is there to help us through our trials, we shared that because she has been going through a really hard time. We have already had two lessons with her and she is super prepared. She wants t

Week 71

So it’s Elder Patterson’s mom again. No email this week. He is doing good. He was able to vote for the first time last week. He played some gold on his P-day. He did a lot of traveling this past week.  He even drove to Garrison, Ut and did some service. If you do t know where Garrison is you have to google it. It’s tiny with 27 people and all dirt roads except one.  He loves the work he is doing and the people he is serving. He loves you all and don’t forget to email him!