Week 73

 Hey Everyone! 

Man it feels like this week honestly flew by!! I can't believe Thanksgiving is already right around the corner!!!

We were super busy this week we've been on the streets a lot more and man am I out of shape or what. Walking up and down the hills of the streets is killer that's for sure!

We had a recent convert lesson the other day and she brought one of her friends to the lesson and her friend actually came to church this Sunday which was pretty sweet!!!
We also started teaching this guy that the past missionaries have taught and it's been super cool. He has been praying about baptism and he came to church yesterday so we are hoping to put him on baptismal date soon!!!

Not much else really happened this week. I talked to some interesting people and petted another goat so that was fun. 

Hope y'all have a great week!!!! 

Elder Patterson


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