
Showing posts from December, 2020

Week 79

  Hey Everyone!!! I hope all of you guys had a Merry Christmas!! Christmas was super fun here in Ely! We got to go to the Walkers to play some games as a zone and it was super fun, they're the best. Then we went to the Moores for a really good dinner to end the Christmas day!!! We had some sweet lessons this week with Nancy, Aaron, and Nason!! The spirit was definitely in each of the lessons and it is always such a cool thing when they describe how they're feeling the spirit. We went to the YSA sacrament and Brock gave his farewell and it was really good, he's going to be a great missionary in Iowa!!! I can't believe I only have 6 months left after this week, time has honestly been flying by. I hope 2021 brings everyone so much more joy and happiness then this past year! -Elder Patterson

Week 78

Hey Everyone!!! Merry Christmas! I can't believe it's my last Christmas on the mission, time flies by out here!! This past week we had 5 nonmembers we met with on Saturday and 4 of those people came to church which was super awesome!!! We had a Christmas zone conference in Elko which was super awesome. We got these bags that have Nevada Reno Mission engraved on them which was super cool!!!  I just want to thank you all for supporting me since I have been out here on my mission I love each and every one of you!!! I truly hope that 2021 treats you all well, and I hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas:) Love you guys!!!  -Elder Patterson Some awesome missionaries from my last zone

Week 77

  Hey Everyone, I hope you guys had a good week, we are finally out of quarantine. So I guess till next time lol, just kidding.  This week Gavin got baptized which was amazing!! I was sad I couldn't go in person but technology is amazing and thanks to zoom I was still able to watch it. It was such a cool experience to see Gavin get baptized. He is going to bless so many lives and the reason I know that is because he has for sure blessed mine. Also we asked this guy to be baptized and he said he is going to pray about baptism. I am super pumped for him it has been sweet to teach him!! Not much else is really going on we had a mission leadership conference and at the conference we talked about how Facebook has been going super well in the mission. A lot of people have been coming to our pages and messaging us which is awesome!!! I hope you guys are doing well, miss and love you all!!! Elder Patterson This painting I finally completed A painting by my companions mom Something my compa

Week 76

  Hey Everyone!!  I hope you guys all had an amazing week, I just got put into quarantine yesterday because some other Elders in our zone have COVID, so quarantine part 3 here we come!!!  But in all honesty I am pretty bummed about being quarantined. Finding out yesterday was super hard for me because I was supposed to go to Gavins baptism and assist in baptizing him. I was also going to go to the airport with Elder Marsh and say bye to him. The bright side is Gavin is getting baptized regardless which is amazing I am super excited for him!!!  Some other cool things that happened this week. I was able to give a blessing to a woman that was going to go through the temple for the first time on Dec 3rd but she got double pneumonia so she wasn't able to go. After the blessing the next day she got a call that she can get off of her oxygen tank and now she has a temple date for Jan. 7th!!!! Also our extension cord blew up which was pretty whack but thankfully it didn't catch anything

Week 75

Hey Everyone!!! This week was good, it started of a little slow but it ended super well!!  We got a text from Gavin, a guy I used to teach in my old area who has been praying about baptism for a year, and he said he got his answer!!! He is all in and it was just a cool experience to get a text from him saying he wanted to be baptized!!! Hopefully they'll let me go to Reno but I guess we will see what happens, I love Gavin though he's a beast!!! Also someone we are teaching here in McGill has been progressing a lot, he's striving to live the word of wisdom so he can be prepared for baptism. This last week he was able to live it so hopefully he keeps it up, he's an amazing guy!!! Not much else occurred this week, we were able to go to the Walkers who are literally the best, and I got destroyed in Foosball but hey that's okay lol. And we also went to our bishops house and had some bomb Thanksgiving food!!  I hope everyone is doing well, Love you guys Also you should go