
Week 106

Hey Everyone! Well this is my final day here in Reno Nevada and man does it feel weird.  I want to first thank everyone for being a part of this journey and for all the emails and letters.  I can say without a doubt this has been such an amazing experience. I have for sure grown closer to my Father in Heaven and my Savior. The spirit I have felt on my mission has truly been undeniable. I'm so grateful I've been able to grow my testimony immensely these past two years and It has truly been a privilege to serve the people of Reno. It has been so amazing to meet all of the people here and make lifelong friends.  I want to share my mission scripture one last time: D&C 68:6: "Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come." Trusting in the Lord has made such an impact on my life!! And I kn

Week 104

  Hey everyone!! This week was pretty good! We had 3 nonmembers come to church which was awesome. A guy that we have been teaching has been progressing so much. We are hoping to invite him to be baptized this week. He has overcome so much and it's been really inspiring to see someone give up everything for the Lord!! We also met this guy who messaged our facebook page and we taught him how to pray. His living situation is tough and has been staying in his car. Even though he has all these adversities that he is faced with he walked a mile and came to church this Sunday which was awesome!!!  Also something that really touched me this week is a guy I taught a bunch in McGill is getting baptized July 3rd!! It was so awesome to hear! I hope everyone has been doing really well! Have a Great week:) -Elder Patterson

Week 103

  Hey Everyone!! This week has been a FAST week!!! We went on exchanges with some Elders and I thought we would do some past member family work. And so many miracles came from that. We were able to set up 4 lessons with some less active members and their unbaptized children. The people we talked to were so nice though, which was awesome!! I also saw some of my buddies for the last time on my mission at zone conference. I got to say my departing testimony and it was emotional because I've seen my testimony grow so much on my mission. And I wish every missionary sees the importance of the calling that they hold as a representative of Jesus Christ. Lastly, we have been teaching this gu thats been taught by missionaries for the past few months. This past Sunday he came to church for the first time. We gave him a church tour and when we talked about baptism at the baptismal font, and I could feel the spirit soooooo strong. It was such a cool thing to have him come to church!! I hope eve

Week 101

  Hey Everyone!! This week felt very long with transfers and MLC to be honest, but it was a super good week. I'm in my new area now, the Lakeside ward. My comp just found out he leaves to Honduras in a couple weeks so I guess this won't be my last companion lol!!!  This week was very bitter sweet. I had to say bye to some amazing families in the Riverbend ward, along with some sweet people that we taught there. There was so many people that truly touched my heart while serving there, I'll definitely have to come back and visit!!! In my new area we found 20 new people to teach this week. We walked soooooo much and honestly it felt very satisfying. We found a couple of Spanish speaking people and it's nice because my companion speaks Spanish, and I understand Spanish so I'm able to follow along pretty well! I'm excited to be here in Lakeside these next 5 weeks and I truly want to give it my all before heading home.  Love you all!!! Have a good and safe week! Elder

Week 100

Wow... Time has literally flown by these past 2 years, and I can't believe that I'm beginning my last transfer. However, they're sending me to a new area in Reno. It's in a different stake so I guess that's cool, but I'm truly going to miss the Riverbend ward.  This week was a solid week, we watched a multi-stake conference where bishop Waddell spoke and our friend Lucas watched it with us. It was a solid meeting and it helped me really focus on the importance of prayer and how sometimes we get into a repetitive flow, and that we need to not do that and focus on how we can make each prayer meaningful.  We also had Elder Soares come and visit our mission. On Saturday the entire mission combined and we got to sit at the feet of an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and it was such an amazing experience. Him and the other general authorities really focused on personal study and conversion. And it was so perfect, it was exactly what I needed to hear. I'm looking f

Week 99

  Hey Everyone! This week was honestly soooo fun! On Saturday we helped out at a basketball camp for 6 hours. The UNR women's basketball team was supposed to go there and help out but they canceled and they needed extra help. So this member from Portland called us and asked for some missionaries to help out so we had to make some calls, and we made it happen!  It was such a fun camp. It was for kids who have things such as down syndrome, autism, and fetal alcohol syndrome. The kids had a BLAST and honestly I did as well. It was the best seeing people smile so much!  This week we also had some amazing lessons with the people we are teaching. We had 5 nonmembers at church again, and for 2 of them, it was their 1st time coming! Everyone told us they want to come back next week which honestly was so cool to hear!  If you are reading this and you haven't checked out the church that we go to hit me up and I promise you you'll have an amazing experience! Today was also so fun we g