
Showing posts from June, 2020


Hey Everyone!! Wow I can't believe this Friday will hit my one year mark in the mission field!! It feels like time is flying as the days and weeks go by! I can definitely see my testimony grow and strengthen in our Savior.  This week was super good. I got my new companion Elder Schlese, he is from Canada, so I'm learning some of their lingo. We also got some new missionaries in our zone which has been super fun. They came from Ghana, Fiji, and the Philippines so it has been cool to hear the things they experienced in their other missions.  We have been told we can go back to church so next week we are going to go with 4 of the people we are teaching which we are super pumped for!! We are still helping prepare a couple of them for baptism in the coming weeks which is super awesome.  This week there was this super big wildfire on the Peavine mountain which is by us and then it turned into a residential fire but luckily the wind stopped when the sun went down so th

Week 52

Hey Everyone!! This week honestly flew by! So many things were happening with lessons and just finding new people to teach.  Not only that, but we also had transfer calls!  I get my new companion Elder Schlese tomorrow which is super cool! And we will have a new companionship of elders added to our zone! Not many changes occurred with the missionaries who serve in the Northern Reno area but these next 6 weeks will be a blast!! This week we put Patricia on baptismal date for July 11th!!! She has been reading and praying and said she truly feels this is Christ's church! We are super pumped for her!!! Yesterday was Father's Day and I just want to say happy Father's day to the best example of a father that I could ever have! All the sacrifices and time he has put in for our family truly allowed me to become who I am today. I truly hope everyone had a good week sorry for the short email but I love you alll!!!! Taylor The District Elder hobbs ank

Week 51

Hey Everyone!!! This was another busy week inside!! The trio life the past week has been super fun! We found a few more people to teach this week which was good!!  We are teaching this person named Rocio!! She is a super cool lady! We had this super powerful lesson, centered on the restoration and she felt the spirit so much! She is praying about baptism so we are really pumped for that. She was on date 3 years ago but had some complications which she ended up not but now she wants to feel the spirit again which has been awesome!! We also taught Judy this week and she is the best!! She has been reading from the Book of Mormon and sincerely praying and she knows it is true! We are hoping church opens back up soon so she can check it out! We had district council in person for the first time in 3 months which was a super fun to see missionaries I'm person again :)   Transfers are next week so it's going to be crazy to see what happens with these 35 new missiona


Hey everyone!! This week has been super awesome and busy!! We had a super good week teaching almost 30 lessons and just calling people every chance we got!! Matthew got baptized  this saturday !! Its amazing to see the joy he had that day! He chose to get baptized on his birthday and man was he excited! We didnt get to go watch the baptism in person but we did get to view through technology which was pretty cool.  We also taught Judy this week and man she is so amazing. She wants to find the truth and wants to draw closer to Christ so it's been awesome trying to help her do that. She said she cant wait until the church opens back up here in Nevada so she can go! We have a few others we are teaching that are progressing alot! The work is blowing up here in Downtown reno which is super fun!! I am actually in another trio now my companion got transferred so i am the only zone leader here in reno now and it's crazy! I am actually companions with one of my old com

Week 49

Hey Everyone !! This week was another really busy week! Elder Marsh and I have been working hard trying to find new people through technology and we have definitely been seeing the blessings from doing so!! We found a few more people to teach and by doing so we found this guy named Phil who is really interested in learning more! Judy, a lady we are teaching is progressing so much! She has been reading and wants to follow Christ more in her life which is awesome! Then there is Matthew, he is a teenager we are teaching and he should be getting baptized this weekend! His family is super cool as well! We are so excited for them all!! We are teaching this guy named Thomas, he is such a chill and nice guy. His family is so down to earth it reminds me a lot of my family. We are teaching him and it has been a fun experience trying to help him strengthen his faith in Christ. Saturday night we got a call saying we have to stay inside for Sunday all day because the riots since